Friday, June 27, 2008

I'd like to thank my mom . . .

I was recently informed that my name is on a plaque by the bathroom at the local Dairy Keen in Heber. The local community refers to it as, "The Train". Yes, a plaque, by the restroom, to honor all current and past employees. While I worked the deep fryer, I held my head, which supported a train conductor hat, up high. I wish I had a picture to post of me in that lovely hat during my 3 month career. If anyone happens to be at The Train in the near future, please take notice of the plaque, with my name on it, next to the bathrooms.


Jeremy, Brandee and Payton said...

that is good stuff! i just happened to decide to visit you when i was checking out ginny's blog. Hope all is well and i will check in later for more of the inspiring updates!

Lezli said...

This will give Aunt Ally a famous spot in Heber to visit. . .!